Swipe Card and Security Access
Information Box Group
Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) swipe card requests - Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) locations
To obtain an FHS ID/access card, please email the appropriate biochemistry and biomedical sciences (BBS) contact:
Card Contacts:
- BBS graduate student access cards: Lisa Kush or Nadia Butt – instructions will be provided.
- BBS undergrad student access cards: Taylor Gauthier – instructions will be provided.
- BBS employees (temporary/casual/new continuing): Stephanie Ward
Instructions: BBS employees can request an FHS swipe card by sending an email. Please copy your supervisor and provide the following information:
- Employee ID#
- Recent headshot
Acceptable photo requirements:
- Recent and similar to a passport: headshot only, looking straight into the camera.
- You must have a neutral or smiling expression
- Photo in colour, in focus and of good quality. Scanned photos of your driver’s license, passport or health card are not acceptable.
- The background must be uncluttered
- You must be the only person in the photo – no other people or animals permitted.
- No props (i.e., hats, sunglasses or graduation caps).
Once the card is processed, HR link will confirm with the cardholder that the card can be picked up from FHS Human Resources office at 2J1A (located on the second floor, red section). The card will not be programmed yet.
To request programming of the card, send an email with a copy to the supervisor and provide the following information:
- Your full name as it appears on your swipe access card
- Employee ID number
- Building and room number that you require access to
- Five or six digit card number after the */+ (found on the back of card)
Access to Research Facilities located in McMaster University Medical Centre (MUMC):
- McMaster Biophotonics Facility: Visit the Dr. Ray Truant Lab website for access instructions.
- Central Animal Facility (CAF): Access to the CAF can be added to the FHS cards following CAF guidelines. Contact via email.
- Farncombe Facility: Contact the Farncombe Facilities administrator.
Working at McMaster swipe card requests for Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery (MDCL)
Employees (Working@McMaster ID)
To request a “Working@McMaster” photo ID access card email send an email, copy your supervisor and provide the following information:
- Employee ID#
Once employment is confirmed in Mosaic, the employee will be asked to provide a government sized photo and the card will be processed remotely
Acceptable photo requirements:
- Clear, sharp and in-focus
- Taken with a neutral facial expression: eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling
- Uniform lighting and with no shadows, glare or flash reflections
- Face and shoulders to the camera: straight-on, centred and squared
- Face must be fully centred with top of head and neck present in photo (shoulders may be seen but not the rest of the body)
- A plain white or light-coloured background with a clear difference between your face and the background. Photos must reflect/represent natural skin tones.
- An image of your current appearance, taken within the last six months
- JPG format with size between 1 MB and 3 MB
- May be taken from an existing photo of government-issued ID (driver’s license or passport photo) or a recent headshot
Once the card is processed, axiomrep will confirm with the cardholder that the card can be picked up from the Parking Office located in T32. The card will not be programmed yet.
To request programming of the card, send an email with a copy to the supervisor and provide the following information:
- Full name
- Email address
- MacID number
- A working McMaster card number (five digit)
- Lab location
- Requesting Access to MDCL Room(s)
Send requests for access to Centre for Microbial Chemical Biology (CMCB) facilities to Tracey Campbell.
Generic Access Cards
We recommend the use of generic (no photo) access cards for students and non-employees requiring access to MDCL. Cards can be requested by email. Cards are $10 each when ordering nine or less or $6/card when ordering 10+. A chartfield will need to be provided before the cards are approved. The cards will be available for pick-up from the Parking Office in B104 of the Commons Building. To have cards programmed follow the instructions noted above.
Note: Cards can be reused and reprogrammed for new staff members. Generic cards do not replace the need to carry some form of photo ID (i.e., student card, government-issued photo ID, etc).
Working@ McMaster photo ID cards for non-employees (graduate students, thesis students, volunteers)
There is a charge of $20 to obtain Working@McMaster photo ID card for non-employees. Requests must be submitted by the supervisor with:
- Employee ID #
- Employee photo
- The reason the card is needed
- The access required
- An expiry date for the access
- A chartfield for the charge of the card(s)